2-1-1 In A Nutshell
The United Way of Wilson County and the Upper Cumberland (UWWUC) finished the process of our annual allocations process earlier this year. In a nutshell, the process involves many volunteers from our local communities reviewing various non-profit applications for funding. We’re not a large United Way so in most cases we don’t fund complete programs, but we know that every dollar we can raise to help a local program allows them to spend more time doing what they do extremely well and that is helping people, and less time raising funds.
There is a program that is unique to United Way. In case you’re not familiar with this program, I want to tell you a little about 2-1-1. Simply put, it’s a place you can call to see resources and assistance. The program itself is now known as a first provider and is available to nearly 100 percent of the U.S. population.
Call 2-1- to speak with a community resource specialist
For example, you can simply call 2-1-1 to speak with a community resource specialist in our area who can help you find services resources that are available to you locally and provide critical services that can improve-and save-lives. You’ll find help with:
- Supplemental food and nutrition programs
- Shelter and housing options and utilities assistance
- Emergency information and disaster relief
- Employment and education opportunities
- Services for veterans
- Health care, vaccination and health epidemic information
- Addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
- Reentry help for ex-offenders
- Support groups for individuals with mental illnesses or special needs
- A safe, confidential path out of physical and/or emotional domestic abuse
Committed to anyone who needs help
2-1-1 is committed to being the first, most essential resource to anyone who needs help. We help thousands of people overcome barriers and address challenges every day. Referrals are most often made for housing or utilities assistance; physical or mental health services; assistance finding and obtaining employment; and services to address and prevent homelessness. The 2-1-1 network also answers dozens of crisis hotlines, including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Today, United Ways operate or provide funding for over 70 percent of 2-1-1 centers.